Мои впечатления. Так уж получилось, что сначала я посмотрела фильм. Особого восторга у меня не было, вроде приятная сказка и все, фильм особо не запомнила. И уже много лет спустя добралась до книги. Нил Гейман всегда на слуху, и я подумала, что надо обязательно что-нибудь прочитать. И честно говоря, несколько разочарована. Повествование какое-то дерганное, иногда вообще непонятно, что происходит. В целом не понравился ни сюжет, ни персонажи. Язык тоже не впечатлил. Потом я взялась за Коралину в стране кошмаров и она мне понравилась намного больше, хотя она мрачная и местами страшная. Но в целом более цельная, такое ощущение, что для подростков он старался. Причем такое ощущение у меня возникает уже в третий раз, читая современных писателей. Так было с Терри Праттечетом и Чайна Мьевилем. Ну, да бог с ними.
Мои заметки и цитаты:
Lammas-tideWiki: Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "loaf-mass"), is a holiday celebrated in some English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere, usually between 1 August and 1 September. It is a festival to mark the annual wheat harvest, and is the first harvest festival of the year. On this day it was customary to bring to church a loaf made from the new crop, which began to be harvested at Lammastide, which falls at the halfway point between the summer Solstice and Autumn September Equinox.
tide - уст. время года, сезон, период
читать дальшеdreadful - 1. [ʹdredf(ə
l] n разг. - сенсационный детективный роман; роман ужасов (тж. penny dreadful)
entrails - A person's or animal's intestines or internal organs, especially when removed or exposed.
innards - informal = Entrails.
intestine (also intestines) - (in vertebrates) the lower part of the alimentary canal from the end of the stomach to the anus.
Synonyms: gut, guts
Видимо Гейман любит про кишочки писать, надо же практически все синониму на одной странице собрал.
pen - небольшой загон для скота
Stardust Wiki: A Serewood is a flesh-eating forest.
billy goat - A male goat. The first usage of "billy goat" for a male goat occurs in the 19th century replacing the older term "he-goat."
Интересное явление, когда к животному добавляется имя и обозначает мужской пол. Tom-cat из этой же серии. Сразу мультик Том и Джерри вспоминается.
Animals and Gender in Present – Day English - Ludmila Zemkova:
A more general description of the categories of gender can be found in Anglická mluvnice (1975) by Karel Hais. Hais notes that animal names do not distinguish the gender and they are referred to by it. Only domestic animals and pets that are useful to people are referred to according to their sex. More formal gender distinction appears in higher animals (dog- bitch, cat- tomcat, bull- cow, stallion- mare, gander- goose, lionlioness, he- goat- she- goat, etc.) Lower animals are referred to by it (snake). According to Hais the animals which “are in contact with human beings are of masculine gender (dog, horse, canary) or of feminine gender ( cat, parrot, fish).”
Dušková and Hais distinguish two main groups:
- The first group is formed by pairs expressed by different lexical items, such as: bull- cow, cock- hen, mare- colt- filly, drake- duck, fox- vixen
- The second group is formed by the pairs of animals of opposite sex which are distinguished by word formative processes:
o by suffixes: lion- lioness, tiger- tigress
o by compound words: wolf- she-wolf, he-goat and billy goat ( or he- goat)- she- goat ( or nanny- goat), turkey- cock- turkey- hen, tom- cat- pussy- cat
fish-scales - чешуя
Wodwos - a hairy wildman of the woods
Wiki: The wild man (also wildman, or "wildman of the woods") is a mythical figure that appears in the artwork and literature of medieval Europe, comparable to the satyr or faun type in classical mythology and to Silvanus, the Roman god of the woodlands. The defining characteristic of the figure is its "wildness"; from the 12th century they were consistently depicted as being covered with hair. читать дальше на Wiki, по-русски
up to snuff - 1 (inf) Up to the required standard: ‘they need a million dollars to get their facilities up to snuff’
Английские определения в основном отсюда - https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/
“The cost is never discussed at the outset,” she told him. “It might be a great deal more than you are prepared to pay; and then you would leave, and we would both be the poorer for it. Let us discuss the merchandise in a more general way.”
“Well, I’d not mention it about if I were you,” said the little man. “There’s those as would be unhealthily interested in such information. Better keep mum. But never lie.”
“So what should I say?”
“Well,” he said, “f’r example, if they ask where you’ve come from, you could say ‘Behind me,’ and if they asked where you’re going, you’d say ‘In front of me.’ “
keep mum - to keep quiet - помалкивать